
And I quote:

Thus wrote "a dude" as a review of The Novel. Three unsolicited and apparently unique reviews in as many days... hmmmm. I guess it was so good that he had to hold down the O key for ten whole seconds, instead of perhaps just two. It's nice, and I suppose it's the thought that counts, but I'm also cynical enough to suspect that this was a none-too-clear attempt at sarcasm. Am I missing something? Is it easier to put down a line of six dozen letters than it is to simply say "This was good" or "Stop writing, jackass"? The review was unsigned, so I can't even email "a dude" to ask.

I harbor no illusions that The Novel is a grand peice of high-quality literature, but Great Jeebus it's tough to know what wrong with it if no one tells you.

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