
John Kerry and John McCain? Outrageous! McCain will never jump ship - he is a loyal and honorable man. His defection might inspire the more intelligent Republicans to rethink their unthinking support for Dubya, but the rest of them would be fired beyond measure to work against such a "deserter." Besides which, that would totally screw up my Democratic Dream Team ticket, presented forthwith:

Prez: John Kerry (Best option? No. Foregone conclusion? You bet.)
Vice Prez: John Edwards (What's up with all these Johns? Would bring much needed energy and southern charm to ticket, so long as personal pride does not interfere.)
Secretary of State: Wes Clark (Start a pattern with super-smart former generals, but leave this one's brain intact. Also increase southern appeal and Defense credentials.)
Secretary of Defense: This one's up for grabs, and damn hard to fill. Ideas?
Dir. Health and Human Services: Howard Dean (The doctor is in, and would do wonders for our health care system if allowed.)
Attourney General: Hmm, perhaps this would be a better fit for Mr. Edwards. Few can match his experience with the Law in this country. Only if Mr. McCain did jump on the ticket... two Navy heroes in the top slots of government? I'd be happy with as much, although it really is a pipe dream.
Dir. Homeland Security: Edward Rendell (Start a pattern with goofy former Govs of Pennsylvania, make Labor happy.)

Much like the original Dream Team of American b-ball, these warriors would make fools of their opponents and deliver Slam Dunks for the American people on domestic and foreign issues. If only they could be counted on to listen to my advice... but that is pure hubris. Hitler himself would have to be resurrected and placed on the Ticket for me to vote anything other than Democrat in the upcoming "election." Let us hope that this time around we really do have something to vote for, instead of just another boogeyman to vote against.

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