

This Mad Cow scare is an interesting peice. The way modern agribusiness is run, there were one thousand opportunities per second for the BSE virus to spread throughout the population of cattle that our poor infected Bessie was found in. They live in pools of their own shit and eat liquified leftovers from other slaughter operations and get antibiotics pumped into their bloodstreams hourly. There's nothing healthy or natural about how these beasts are raised, in particular the close quarters they live in. So no, if one is infected, it's a more than fair bet that a whole mess of 'em are too. And if that's true, and this enciphelopathy can spread to humans, then McDonald's is in a mess of trouble. Although there seems to be some debate as to whether their "burgers" actually contain beef...

Aisling and I sojurned to Colorado for a few days before Christmas, and the experience was also interesting. CO no longer feels like home, although it always will be. Going places and doing things changes you, and that's why the people I know who stayed behind seem so much younger than I am. It doesn't help that I'm older than dirt to begin with, but still. The whole Navy angle really has people flabbergasted, too. No one can figure out why I decided to sign up, which means it was the perfect choice.

"Throw away your television, salivate to repetition, obliviate this ill condition now..."

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